From Medieval Times to Pre-Lit Trees: The Fascinating Evolution of Table Top Christmas Trees

From Medieval Times to Pre-Lit Trees: The Fascinating Evolution of Table Top Christmas Trees

The holiday season is a time for tradition, and one of the most beloved traditions is decorating the Christmas tree. While many households opt for a large tree that dominates the living room, some prefer smaller, more manageable table top trees. But where did this tradition come from, and what is its connection to medieval times, kings, queens, and royalty?

The Origin of Table Top Christmas Trees

Table top Christmas trees has been a popular decoration for centuries. The first recorded instance of a smaller tree being used for Christmas dates back to the 16th century in Germany. People would bring small trees indoors and decorate them with candles, apples, and nuts. These trees were typically placed on tables or other furniture, which is how they became known as table top trees.

The custom of decorating these miniature trees soon caught on in different parts of Europe. By the 19th century, table top Christmas trees were common in England, often adorned with sweets, small toys, and other trinkets. These trees were not pre-lit, and families often lit them with candles.

The Connection to Medieval Times and Royalty

The origins of table top Christmas trees can be traced back to medieval times, specifically to the tradition of hanging evergreen boughs and wreaths in homes during the winter solstice. These greenery decorations symbolized the hope that spring would return and were believed to ward off evil spirits.

In the early 16th century, Martin Luther reportedly added candles to a small evergreen tree in his home to symbolize the starry sky he saw on his nightly walks. This is considered one of the earliest examples of a decorated Christmas tree.

Table top Christmas trees also have a connection to royalty. Queen Victoria and her German-born husband, Prince Albert, popularized the tradition of Christmas trees in England during the 19th century. The royal couple was often depicted in illustrations standing around a giant Christmas tree, which helped spread the tradition’s popularity throughout the country.

The Evolution to Pre-Lit Trees

Table top Christmas trees have come long since their humble beginnings as decorated evergreens. Today, Christmas pre lit trees are popular choices for those who want the convenience of a table top tree without the hassle of hanging ornaments and stringing lights.

Pre-lit trees were first introduced in the 1980s and quickly became popular due to their convenience and ease of use. Instead of spending hours stringing lights and hanging ornaments, families could simply set up their pre-lit tree and be ready to celebrate in no time.

In conclusion, table top Christmas trees have a rich history that dates back to medieval times, and their connection to royalty has made them an enduring part of Christmas traditions. As we continue to celebrate the holiday season, we can appreciate the evolution of these classic decorations from simple evergreens to today’s modern, pre-lit trees.